Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Missings !!!

Have you ever asked yourself what you're truly miss???!!

                   for ME...

I miss safety in a such inscure world...

I miss truly love in a such dishonest world...

I miss sincerity in a such betrayer world...

I miss contentment in a such greedy world...

I miss candour in a such artificial world...

I miss simlicity in a such complicated world...

I miss the infinity in a such impossible world...

I miss freedom in a such a prison..

I miss craziness in a such traditional, boring world...

I miss rainbow in a sunny day...

I miss my own  imagination world...

I miss the charitable dealing...

I miss the impetuous childhood...

I miss the sunshine...

I miss dreams...

I miss fantasy...

I miss happiness...

I miss my sunny smile...

I miss smiling...

I miss flying  ... :)

But what about you.....What do you miss ??????? 

DID U EVER.........!!!!!!!!

Did u ever feel pain...

Did u ever pretend that u're okay...

Did u ever laughe so much to not feel that pain,but u find urself crying!!!

Did u ever feel ur heart bleeding so much...

Did u ever wish to take off ur heart and throw it away...

Did u ever wish to shake off this horrible feeling...

Did u ever get lost and dose not know a reason to be alive...

Did u ever wonder,wonder for soooooo long and never get an answer

Did u ever find urself pure,sooo pure so much so that you cant live in this awful world...

Did u ever feel hurt...

Did u ever listen to ur broken heart...

Did u ever notic what ur heart is trying to say to u....

Did u ever feel how much ur heart crushed...

DID U EVER............................

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's an adventure...!!

In life, we all in adventure......live an adventure...

fighting the darkness to touch and feel the light,

fighting the hate to find love,

fighting the war to find peace,

fighting the complication to live the simplicity,

figting anger to ba calm,

fighting suspicion to feel certainty,

fighting oppression to capture justic,

fighting depression to feel happiness,

fighting fear to hold confidence,

fighting conceit to be humble,

fighting that disappointed case to search for hope,

this is an endless adventure will gose on forever.....as we are alive!!!!!

Sometimes, we fighting ouselves to find our real selves.....to find our way to walk.....to find our soulmates to walk with......to fight every single abstacle facing us.

As life goes on,all of us will discover ourselves , our lives ,our universe!!!!!

It's an exciting adventure....maybe u'll lose something in urself......maybe someone,or anything else...BUT NEVER lose ur hope....HOPE is the food which keeps us alive, which makes us touch the light of tomorrow that beautiful new day.....

Life is ups and downs.....so....hold these ups and fight these downs :)))